Keep in touch with me:


 Hi, my name is Samantha Owens, but you can call me Sam.

  Photography is a tool that allows me the opportunity to be more than a curious observer. I seek out intimacy through my interaction with others or through the bonds they build with the world around them while making use of whatever device is at hand to record moments of connectedness. 

     I am a graduate of Ohio University’s School of Visual Communication, where I earned a B.S. in Visual Communication and a specialization in Anthropology. I currently reside in Evansville, Indiana, while working as a staff photojournalist for the Evansville Courier & Press and the Henderson Gleaner in Henderson, Ky. 

     Drop me a line or give me a call if you want to talk about photography, hire me for a freelance gig or spill your life story. 

Phone: +1 (812) 298-5921   Email: [email protected]

 Photo made by Dan Reese, Fayette Co., West Virginia, May 2012.